


  • Irregular attendance, habitual illness, neglect of home­work, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the staff or bad moral influence justify dismissal. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for the conduct both in and outside the school.
  • It is forbidden to write or scribble on the walls, desks, benches, etc., throw paper or ink about the class room. Any kind of damage done to the school property will have to be replaced with a new one.
  • Pupils are themselves responsible for their books, pens, tiffin carriers, cycles, umbrellas or any other article they bring to school. If the articles are left behind in the school and if the school ayah finds them, the pupils may claim their articles after paying a fine of one rupee.
  • Pupils are advised not to bring any valuables, if they do so the school is not responsible for the loss of damage of the same.
  • Pupils are strictly forbidden to bring transistor, mobile phone, CDs and camera to the class or introduce any sort of comics, objectionable literature, to purchase any kind of eatable from unauthorised dealer near the school premises.
  • No pupil will be sent home during school hours without a note from the parent or guardian.
  • Parents, guests and visitors are not allowed to meet the staff or the students during the school hours without the permission of Principal / V.R Students suffering from contagious and infectious diseases will not be permitted to attend school

Attendance and Punctuality

All students are expected to attend class every day. The minimum attendance required for all students is 80% of the total number of working days for the year. Students should come to school 10 minutes before the school commences. Pupils who absent themselves for more than seven days without permission from the Principal / V.R will have theii names struck off the rolls. Late comers should not enter the class without the permission of Principal / V.R Even aftei repeated warning if a student continues to come late, he [ she will be sent home. Late comers must get their hand bookj countersigned by their parents the next day. Parents must set that their wards return home immediately after school hour without loitering in / out side the school campus.

Leave and Permission

In case a student is unable to attend the school for ar reason the parent should write a note in the leave record the diary. A leave letter should be submitted in advance wit valid reason and the Principal / Vice Principal / Clas Teacher's signature must be obtained. If leave is required fc a long period, prior permission is to be obtained from tl" Principal / V.R Medical Certificate should be produced in cas of illness.